Eli Cohen

Haifa Bay, Oil tanks, Hazardous materials
Dramatic Move: Removal of Hazardous Materials from Haifa Bay to Begin

The Haifa Municipality has signed an agreement to remove pollutants from Haifa Bay, a deal that residents have been waiting for decades. The hazardous materials storage facility, located near residential buildings, educational institutions, and business areas, will be dismantled. Haifa Mayor Yona Yahav called it a "historic agreement."

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 19.08.24

Israel-Gaza War, Hostage Deal

Minister Eli Cohen explains what a deal will look like

With rumors swirling about the details and terms of a hostage deal with Hamas, former Foreign Minister and current Energy Minister addressed the question on Army Radio.

Avi Woolf | 18.08.24

Hostage release, ceasefire deal, Israel-Hamas, Gaza

The Senior Minister reveals: this is the date when the hostage deal will be signed

Minister Eli Cohen from the Likud party disclosed that this is the time when the deal with the captives will be finalized. He referred to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's trip to the United States and the timing when Israel is expected to reach a deal with the captives: "Military pressure has brought Hamas to surrender."

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 21.07.24

Israel-Gaza War, Hezbollah

Energy Minister Cohen: The time for a diplomatic solution in the north has run out

Cohen's statements is just one of a number of statements indicating Israel is heading for a general war in the north.

Avi Woolf | 20.06.24

Israel-Gaza War, Hezbollah

Energy Minister Eli Cohen: If Israel has a blackout for hours, Lebanon will have one for months

Cohen reassured the public in a statement that the odds of a days-long electricity collapse are low due to multiple fortification efforts.

Avi Woolf | 20.06.24

Hezbollah, Energy Ministry

Energy Minister tries to calm fears about extended blackouts in war with Hezbollah

Cohen: "There's no reason to panic, the rumors are baseless."

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 10.04.24

'Zoabi Law'

Loyalty Declaration: 'Zoabi Law' will be Submitted for Final Approval

The Knesset's Constitution Committee approved Foreign Minister Eli Cohen's law, which will require every diplomatic appointment to declare their recognition of the State of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state.

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 01.01.24

Ministries Rotation

Government Confirmed: Israel Katz will Replace Eli Cohen

A year into the government's tenure and the rotation in the ministries is underway. The government has confirmed that Israel Katz will enter the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in place of Eli Cohen who will replace him in the Ministry of Energy and will receive a place in the political cabinet.

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 31.12.23

History in Judea and Samaria

Historical News: First Foreign Representation will be Opened in Judea and Samaria

For the first time since the establishment of the state, an honorary consulate will be opened in Judea and Samaria by the state of Papua New Guinea. Chairman of the Yesha Council Shlomo Ne'eman: "We ascended from practical Zionism to political Zionism."

| Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 25.12.23


Approved: the Former MK in Likud will be Appointed Ambassador to Ethiopia

The government today approved the appointments of 21 ambassadors appointed by a committee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Among the ambassadors can be found the former member of the Knesset, Dr. Avraham Neguise, for the position of Israel's ambassador to Ethiopia.

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 17.12.23

Millay Met with the Families

Before the Inauguration: President of Argentina Met with the Families of the Abductees

Just before his inauguration, Argentina's incoming president Javier Millay met with Foreign Minister Eli Cohen and the families of the Israeli abductees. In his words, Millay pledged to act to declare Hamas a terrorist organization in his country.

Uriel Be'eri, JFeed Staff | 10.12.23

Released Abductees

Thailand's Foreign Minister Met with the Released Abductees

The Foreign Minister of Thailand and Foreign Minister Eli Cohen met with the 17 Thai citizens who were released from Gaza in recent days. Cohen pledged: "We will not stop until we return all the abductees home - Israelis and foreigners alike."

Uriel Be'eri, JFeed Staff | 28.11.23

Israel At War

Following the Prime Minister's Tweet: A Reprimand to the Irish Ambassador in Israel

Foreign Minister Eli Cohen instructed to summon Ireland's ambassador to Israel, Sonya McGuinness, for a reprimand conversation - this following the tweet by Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar about the release of the kidnapped girl Emily Hand, in which he described her as an "Innocent girl who was lost".

Uriel Be'eri, JFeed Staff | 26.11.23

"Needs A Reality Check"

The Minister of Foreign Affairs Against the Prime Minister of Ireland: "Needs a reality check"

Foreign Minister Eli Cohen reacted angrily to Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar's tweet about the release of the girl Emily Hand, in which he claimed that she was "lost": "It seems that you have lost your moral compass and need a reality check".

Uriel Be'eri, JFeed Staff | 26.11.23

Israel-Gaza War, Palestinian Authority

FM Eli Cohen: PA Not Solution for the Day After

The Foreign Minister said that those who think the Palestinian Authority is the solution for governing Gaza is "wrong, big time."

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 20.11.23

"Land in Israel"

Herzog to the Airlines: "Start Returning to Land in Israel"

President Isaac Herzog participated in a situation assessment at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and called on the foreign airlines to "start returning to landing in Israel, to demand it from them. It's time to see them here."

Uriel Be'eri, JFeed Staff | 19.11.23

"We Must Visit the Abductees"

Cohen to the President of the Red Cross: "We Must Visit the Abductees"

Foreign Minister Eli Cohen and Health Minister Uriel Buso met in Geneva with the president of the Red Cross, Mirjana Spoljaric Egger, and demanded action to visit the abductees in Gaza. Representatives from the families of the abductees joined the meeting.

Uriel Be'eri, JFeed Staff | 14.11.23

Israel-Gaza War, Political Pressure

The Foreign Minister Estimates: Within 2-3 Weeks the Political Pressure will Increase

Foreign Minister Eli Cohen said in a press briefing that the international pressure calling on Israel to stop the attacks is expected to increase in the coming weeks, estimating that the remaining political window is about two to three weeks.

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 13.11.23

Israel-Gaza War, Germany, Hamas

Israel Congratulates Germany: "Drying Up Terror Funding"

Israel welcomed Germany's decision to prohibit Hamas activity in the country and declare the Palestinian Samidoun organization as a terrorist one.

Uriel Be'eri, JFeed Staff | 03.11.23

Israel-Gaza War, Red Cross

FM Cohen to Red Cross: "I Reject the Organization's Balanced Approach"

The Foreign Minister also demanded of the Red Cross President that they visit the hostages held by Hamas.

Uriel Be'eri, JFeed Staff | 01.11.23